Become a Member

Member Benefits

Google Group for Members

All members are added to the AEHSA Google Group where they can ask questions, share experiences or share resources. 

Google Drive for Example Documents

Members are granted access to the AEHSA Google Drive where sample documents for many aspects of a health and safety management system have been shared or submitted by its members. This collection is currently being rebuilt, so members are encouraged to share their successes.

Reduced Rates for AEHSA Events

AEHSA holds an two day annual conference and its Annual General Meeting in early October each year - usually in Red Deer, AB. A one day Spring Symposium is usually held in February or March.

AEHSA Membership Options

All membership applications are subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors. Membership fees are based on an annual subscription which is valid for one academic year (Sept 1 to August 31).

Educational Institution Membership ($200.00)

This voting membership is available all educational organization across Alberta including Universities, Colleges, Technical Institutes, Public School Boards, Catholic School Boards, independent and chartered educational institutions,  Each membership entitles the organization to one vote on AEHSA resolutions and at elections.  This membership entitles all employees of the member organization to participate in AEHSA events at the member rate and accessibility to the Members Library of the website.   Employees of member institutions are eligible for positions on the Board of Directors in accordance with AEHSA By-Laws.  Each organization shall appoint a representative as their primary contact person for communication and voting purposes and access to the Members Library of the website. 



Associate Membership ($125.00)

This is a non-voting membership available to not for profit organizations, government agencies, out of province educational institutions or individuals with an interest in health and safety in the education sector but are not employed by an organization that is eligible for an educational institution membership.  This membership entitles all employees of the member organization to participate in AEHSA events at a discounted member rate, accessibility to the Members Library of the website, participate in our Google Group chat where our members ask questions and share knowledge and resources but may not use the membership list for commercial purposes without prior approval from the Board of Directors. 



Corporate Membership ($350.00)

This is a non-voting membership available to for profit corporations, agencies and consultants with an interest in promoting health and safety in the education sector.  Benefits of membership entitles representatives to participate in AEHSA events at the corporate member rate, as well as website advertising and discounted pricing for sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities at AEHSA sponsored events. Corporate members are also given an opportunity to present at a monthly lunch and learn webinar for our members, have access to the Members Library and participate in our Google Group chat where our members ask questions and share knowledge and resources but may not use the membership list for commercial purposes without prior approval from the Board of Directors.



Student Membership (FREE)

This is a non-voting individual membership available to full or part-time students.  This membership entitles the student to participate in AEHSA events at no charge.  A copy of valid student identification must be submitted with the application. Please contact AEHSA at ADMIN@AEHSA.CA

NOTE: Membership contact information will be shared with AEHSA members, but will not be used for commercial purposes without approval of the Board of Directors.